Profit Share Sites


Book a 30-minute session with Andy to walk through recruiting strategies and get your framework and platform questions answered.

Traffic & Lead Gen Strategies

  • Tips for Driving Traffic & Generating Leads

  • Engaging Your EX, IS, & NS Recruits

  • 1-to-Many Email Campaigns

  • Adding & Editing Workflows

  • Mastering the MC Handoff

Platform & Framework Tips

  • Profit Share Sites Walkthroughs

  • Mastering the Discovery Call

  • Creating and Editing Pages on Your Site

  • Follow-Up, Nurture, &

    Securing Sponsorship

Coaching & Accountability

  • Accountability Coaching

  • Database Nurturing Techniques & Strategies

  • Process Development & Efficiency

  • Adding & Editing Workflows

  • Modifying Opportunities


  • Premium Support is operated separately from Profit Share Sites with permission from Linda and Pres McKissack.

  • Support booked through this page does not include onboarding assistance.

  • Please only book one session at a time.

  • If your question(s) are outside of what's highlighted on this page, please contact Andy at before booking your appointment.

  • If you need to reschedule, please contact Andy via the email address above.